January 23, 2017

Fabulous Week

Mi Familia y Amigos,

This was an absolutely fabulous week!! I love my area so so SO much!! I love my companion so so SOO much!! And I just love being a missionary so so so SOOO much more!! This week was really good if you can't already tell! I just know that I'm supposed to be here, and that I need to be here with Hermana Coc, and I just feel so happy(: Part of that happiness has to do with one of our investigators... his name is Angel and yesterday he told us that he wants to be baptized!! We set a date with him for next week, so hopefully all goes as planned and he will get to take that step on Sunday!! La obra misional es super chevere!!

Well this week I wanted to share with you all something that caught my attention in my studies. As a mission we are reading the Book of Mormon together again, and we are right around 1 Nephi 17. There are two verses that I love from this chapter. The first is verse 13: 

 13 And will also be your light in the wilderness; and will prepare the way before youif it so be that ye shall keep my commandments; wherefore, inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall be led towards the promised landand ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led.

And the second is in verse 3: 

And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nouristhem, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness.

To me, these verses show just how much the Lord loves us. He loves us so much, that he has given us the treasure map that leads to the greatest of all blessings: eternal life. The commandments are there to protect us. To HELP us. They aren't limitations or restrictions. They are an act of LOVE! I am so grateful for the commandments. I'm so grateful for this gospel!! I know that the Lord loves you. So keep his commandments. Keep the faith. If you can do that, you will always find the strength to go on!

I love you all so much!! Have an absolutely fabulous week!!! 


Hermana Van Deusen

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