February 6, 2017

Mi Familia y Amigos,

This week was just so fantastic. SO GREAT!! I had the chance to go to consejos and hear President's plan for the mission and it was such a spiritual experience. I have the best mission president! I feel so grateful to be here in Panama, at this time, with these people. I know that I'm doing what I need to be doing. 

President Current taught us about grace. He started off by explaining these three facts:

 Repentance is change. 
The Atonement makes change possible.
Grace is the power inside the Atonement. 

Grace is the power to endure to the end of whatever we are struggling with. It enables, empowers, endures, and overcomes. It is the most desirable thing to the soul. 

I want to invite you all to read 2 Nephi 25:23 and Alma 24:10-11.. What we can do to access the grace of God?

The only thing that we can do, the only way to acess it, is through repentance. That is the ONLY thing! We will never be good enough, we will never be smart enough, we will never be able to do anything that will "qualify" us for that gift. We can only ask for forgiveness. I have to repent every single day, to be able to receive the most precious gift in the world... sounds worth it. 

Heavenly Father is willing to forgive us. He wants to receive us with open arms! We just have to use the gifts and the tools that he has placed before us, and his grace is ours.  So let's just repent already and receive the happiness that he wants to give us haha!! 

I love the hope, peace, and joy that that brings to my soul!! I love this gospel so much!!!! Thank you for all your love and support... have an absolutely fabulous week!!!! 


Hermana Van Deusen

Sorry I kind of failed with the pictures this week...

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