September 5, 2016

Mi Familia y Amigos,

This week was absolutely swell.... it was just one of those weeks were there wasn´t anything particularly note-worthy... but you just feel happy!! Sunday was probably the highlight... we had 4 investigators and 4 less actives come to church, which is AWESOME!! We are trying to work really hard this change (well every change...), and we are beginning to see the fruits of our labors! Oh how I love this work!!!!! 

This week I was reading in the book of Alma. In Alma chapter 5, Alma the Younger is beginning his ministry among the Nephites... he left his family, his job, basically his whole life, to go out and preach the gospel. In verses 14-16 of this chapter he says something that absolutely blew me away... 

 14 And now behold, ask of you, my brethren of thechurch, have ye spiritually been born of GodHave yereceived his image in your countenances? Have yeexperienced this mighty change in your hearts?

 15 Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him whocreated you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith,and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and thiscorruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God tobe judged according to the deeds which have been done inthe mortal body?

 16 say unto you, can you imagine to yourselves that yehear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day:Come unto me ye blessedfor behold, your works havebeen the works of righteousness upon the face of theearth?

Wow. He really was asking some tough questions. When I read this I got a little emotional... because how true is that. One day, we are going to see the face of our Savior. He is going to sit us down, he's going to look us in the eyes, and what is he going to see?? What is he going to say?? How are we going to feel?? Personally, I think he is going to ask us something like this... "Did you use my Atonement? Did you take advantage of the loving opportunities I gave you? How did you use my name?" Now is the time to prepare ourselves for that day. Now is the time to "receive his image in our countenances".... because who doesn't want to hear "Come unto me ye blessed"? I testify that the only way that we can have unending joy, is mediante Jesus Christ and his Gospel. It's the ONLY way. How blessed we are to have that knowledge, and to have so many countless opportunities. 

I love you all and I am so grateful for your love and support!!!! Tengan una buena semana!! 

Hermana Van Deusen

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